16 Aug

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UNITY / Tamar Ben-Hur
My journey to UNITY calls me first to know my SELF
Know the thousand names of God that live within
From that place I can CONNECT to you
And know you as an expression of ME
Its where I forgive and except and heal.
UNITY is a FIELD to rest and recharge
It is not a thought or an idea
It’s a first had felt experience
It’s a guideline a pointer in the dark
It is HOME we leave and come back too.
Unity is the source of all we create
It is the motive which we do so for
It is where we can feel ourselves most alive
Unity is the co-existence of all duality
It is the meeting point of spirit and matter
Of below and above
It is one more word for LOVE.
My first unity mala was a gift from my beloved husband Kamal for my birthday and I haven't taken it off ever since. When I first felt the Jerusalem stone I felt an extraordinary energy of peace, harmony and a soft compassion embracing me. The combination of the Jerusalem stone with the gold bring th..
I feel my body smiling from within tingling with a lot of life energy.I guess it is the gratitude in my heart.I feel excited, passionate and most of all lucky.Lucky to be part of this project, lucky to be reminded of us all playing our different roles. Shining our gifts. Choosing again and aga..
UNITY / Tamar Ben-HurMy journey to UNITY calls me first to know my SELFKnow the thousand names of God that live withinFrom that place I can CONNECT to youAnd know you as an expression of MEIts where I forgive and except and heal.UNITY is a FIELD to rest and rechargeIt is not a th..
Find a quiet space where you can tune in for 10 minutes.Take a few breaths and see the golden light emanating from your heart and slowly growing. Feel its warmth and presence within you. Allow it to radiate from within you, filling you, filling the space around you, extending out and joining all h..
we are awakeningto the calling of the mysticwe are awakeningin the flowering of the hearteverybody heremelting into presenceoverflowing effervescencerising in lovewe are awakeningto a long forgotten memorydawn is breakingwaves are coming ineverybody herestanding in wond..
I see unity as the foundation of our healing.I see our connection to each other as a fountain flowing of never ending unique and gifted individuals and nature vibrations, sharing their light, supporting each other, igniting optimism and love.I see us as one with nature and the nature within us a..